Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easy 60 Second Chocolate Cake

Mostly EVERYONE loves chocolate.. your insane if you don't. And for me, I love chocolate anytime :) And chocolate gooey-yummy chocolatey cakes are THE BEST. BUT, the issue with alot of people is that they don't want to take the time to make it, OR they just can't afford the massive amount of calories or sugar intake. And coming from a family where constant dieting is a factor, I know what you're talking about. So here's my low calorie and low sugar chocolate 60 SECOND cake.. yes folks, only 60 seconds! :)
4 tbsp of flour
1 1/2 tbsp of truvia or some other natural sweetener
3tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
3tbsp of milk
1tbsp of vegetable oil
1/4 tsp of salt
1/4 tsp of baking soda

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and mix until it looks like normal cake batter.
2. Pour cake batter into normal sized coffee mug.
3. Put mug in microwave anywhere from 50seconds to 1 minute and 15seconds. (time will depend on your type of microwave
4. Enjoy!
*P.S. if the cake still seems gooey, like it's underdone, that's ok! The cake will still cook even after you take it out of microwave.
.. But DONT eat this cold because it will tend to get dry the more you let it cook, so eat up! :)

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